
  • From Next.js and GitHub Pages to Azure Static Web App

    I moved out of Next.JS because it would not load the Google Analytics script. This blog is back to Jekyll built through Github Actions to an Azure Static Web App.

  • Copy a table from on-premise server to Azure Data Factory

    How to copy a table from an on-premise server to Azure Data Factory using a self-hosted integration runtime.

  • Azure Data Factory Pricing

    These are estimates to calculate pricing for Azure Data Factory.

  • Azure Data Factory Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

    Connect an on-prem SQL Server to Azure Data Factory using a self-hosted integration runtime (IR).

  • Create a SQL Server Windows VM

    How to create a Virtual Machine in Azure with Windows SQL Server.

  • Create an Azure Windows Server Datacenter VM

    Create a Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure Edition virtual machine.

  • **Unsolved**: In Azure Copying files between VMs

    Unsolved: In Azure, copying files between VMs doesn’t work.

  • Azure Data Factory Scheduling

    Scheduling jobs in Azure Data Factory.

  • Power BI Dashboard of Underrepresented Companies

    Every US state has a DOT website about underrepresented and minority-owned companies also known as DBE or Disadvantaged Business Enteprise. This is the dashboard to visualize these companies by region.

  • Azure Data Factory Parameters

    How to improve productivity developing pipelines in Azure Data Factory using parameters.

  • Copy Files to an Azure Windows VM

    I am having some issues with scp to copy files from Linux to an Azure Windows 10 VM. Here is a procedure to create a shared folder between Azure Storage and a Windows VM.

  • Power BI with Azure and Data Analytics Trends

    Using Power BI with Azure to find trends in data analytics from Google Ads and StackOverflow.

  • **Unsolved**: Power BI freezes on Windows Azure VM

    Unsolved: Power BI freezes in a Windows Azure VM when connecting RDP from Linux using Remmina.

  • Power BI Publish to a Website

    How to publish a Power BI report to a website using Power BI Service.

  • PowerBI PowerQuery Create a Dimension Date Table in M

    Create a dimension Date table in PowerBI PowerQuery using M.

  • Power BI Create a Hierarchy with Lookupvalue

    How to create a hierarchy in Power BI with Lookupvalue.

  • Azure Cost By Resource Over Time

    How to review the cost of Azure by resource over time.

  • Azure Data Factory Data Flow

    Creating a data flow to join CSV files for an ETL pipeline in Azure Data Factory.

  • Build a Pipeline with Azure Data Factory

    Building a pipeline with Azure Data Factory.

  • Azure Virtual Network

    Create a virtual network (Vnet) in Azure.

  • Azure Resource Group and Network Security Group

    Organize your Azure resources with a Resource Group and a Network Security Group.

  • Azure Data Factory Linked Service

    Create a Linked Service in Azure Data Factory.

  • Azure Data Factory Dataset

    Create datasets in Azure Data Factory.

  • Create an Azure Data Factory

    How to create an Azure Data Factory.

  • Install Visual Studio in Azure VM

    Installing Visual Studio in an Azure VM.

  • Deploy a Power BI Model to Azure Analysis Services

    Can we apply software engineering patterns like separation of concerns, single responsibility, and not repeating yourself to BI workflows?

  • Azure VM agent status is not ready

    Once in a while I am getting this issue when starting a VM.

  • Using Azure Data Studio

    Connect to Azure from Azure Data Studio. Generate an ER diagram.

  • PowerBI with Azure SQL Database

    Connect PowerBI to Azure SQL Database.

  • Create a GitHub Dashboard with PowerBI Service

    This requires PowerBI Pro.

  • Azure AD Admin Microsoft Account Members Not Allowed

    When trying to set an Azure AD Admin in Azure SQL Server and looking for your account, you might get a Microsoft Account Members Not Allowed.

  • Create a Power BI Service Individual Account

    What’s the hack to creating a PBI service account with a personal email account?

  • Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine in Azure

    Create a Windows VM in Azure and RDP from Linux.

  • RDP from Linux to an Azure VM

    How to RDP from Linux to an Azure Virtual Machine.

  • Create an Azure Blob Storage and Container

    How to create an Azure Blob Storage and containers.

  • Create an Azure SQL Database

    How to create an Azure SQL Database.

  • Set up PowerBI in an Azure VM

    How to set up Power BI desktop in an Azure Virtual Machine.

  • DAX Studio and Power BI

    Using DAX Studio to query a Power BI model or develop DAX measures.