Azure Infra
Azure Resource Group and Network Security Group
Azure Virtual Machines
Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine
Create a SQL Server Windows VM
Create an Azure Windows Server Datacenter VM
Use Chocolatey in Windows Powershell to Install Programs
Copy Files to an Azure Windows VM
Azure Storage/DB
Create an Azure Blob Storage and Container
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory Linked Service
Azure Data Factory Self-Hosted Integration Runtime
Build a Pipeline with Azure Data Factory
Copy a table from on-premise server to Azure Data Factory
Power BI
PowerBI with Azure SQL Database
Deploy a Power BI Model to Azure Analysis Services
Power BI Service
Create a Power BI Service Individual Account
Create a GitHub Dashboard with PowerBI Service
Using Power BI
Create a Hierarchy with Path and Lookupvalue
Using DAX Studio to query the Power BI model or develop DAX measures