Using DAX Studio to query a Power BI model or develop DAX measures.


  • Open a Power BI report
  • Download/install DAX Studio
  • Open DAX Studio
  • On the connection, select the Power BI report

What is DAX Studio for?

  • Develop DAX measures
  • Create DAX queries to explore the Power BI model
  • You cannot deploy the DAX measures from DAX Studio. You have to copy/paste the code to Power BI

Why create DAX queries?

Once you create a data model in Power BI. How do you query the model to explore the data?

“Querying” the model with a Power BI visual

For this experiment, I created a factSales table that has a column SalesAmount and a dimCustomer table where one of the columns is Marital Status.

I would like to query the data model so it returns the total sales by marital status.

In Power BI, you can do this:

  • Create two DAX measures in the fact table to get total sales where the Marital Status is M and S
  • Create a visual table adding these two measures
  • Then remove the visual when you don’t want this data anymore

Use DAX Studio to create a measure

Use the keywords DEFINE and MEASURE with the syntax TableName[YourMeasureName].

Use EVALUATE to output the result. However, this only works if the query result is a table. To return a scalar number, use the curly braces { TableName[YourMeasureName] } to convert the scalar to a table:

MEASURE factSales[Sales Amount Married] =
    DimCustomer[MaritalStatus] = "M"

{ factSales[Sales Amount Married] }

This outputs the value 1400650

Output log doesn’t point where the error is

Something annoying about DAX Studio is that it often doesn’t point exactly where an error is. For example in this code:

MEASURE factSales[Sales Amount Married] =
    DimCustomer[MaritalStatus] = "M"

{ factSales[Sales Amount Married] }

The output error is Query(8,1) The syntax for 'EVALUATE' is incorrect. However, in line 8 and column 1 I have the keyword EVALUATE and nothing else. Where is the error? It doesn’t explicitly point that the error is a missing parenthesis here SUM(factSales[SalesAmount],

Deploying the measure to Power BI

This is not how DAX Studio works. There isn’t a deploy measure feature to automatically integrate this to Power BI. What you can do is develop the measure and test that it works. You don’t need to create a visual in Power BI to preview the data. However, you still need to create a measure in Power BI and Copy/paste the code from DAX Studio.

Sales Amount Married =
    DimCustomer[MaritalStatus] = "M"

Use DAX Studio to create a query

I want to query the Power BI model to see this data, where each column belongs to different tables. Marital Status comes from DimCustomer and Sales Amount comes from factSales.

Marital Status      Sales Amount
    M                1500
    S                2000

As shown in the DAX Studio docs here, use SUMMARIZECOLUMNS to generate a query using columns from different tables.

The syntax is:

    FilterTable (optional),
    "ColumnName" (same as SQL keyword: AS "ColumnName")

Then the code is:

    "Sales Amount",
    "Purchase Amount" ASC

The result is a table:

Marital Status      Sales Amount
    M                1400650
    S                1262550

Use Query Builder in DAX Studio

This feature makes it easier to create a DAX query or DAX measure without having to know all the DAX coding syntax. It doesn’t make sense to know all the DAX functions when you have a tool that creates this for you.

  • Click on Query Builder
  • Drag a column or measure to Columns/Measure
  • (Optionally) drag another column to Filters
  • Click Update
  • This creates the DAX code that you can run or edit
  • You can also click on New to Add New Measure

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