Customize your Jekyll theme.

The default Jekyll theme is minima. The docs have good details on how to set it up.

It has instructions on how to set your _config.yml

Here is a template:
	title: Name and Title of My Blog
	description: >-
	  Some awesome description here
	baseurl: ""
	url: ""
	twitter_username: mytwitter
	github_username:  mygithub
	permalink: /:title/

	# Build settings
	theme: minima
	  skin: solarized


	    shortname: mydisqus_shortname

	  name: My Name

	show_excerpts: true

	    twitter: mytwitter
	    github: mygithub
	    linkedin: mylinkedin_shortname

	google_analytics: myGAcode

	  - jekyll-feed
	  - jekyll-feed
	  - jekyll-sitemap
	  - jekyll-paginate
	  - jekyll-seo-tag
	  - jekyll-redirect-from

	  - .sass-cache/
	  - .jekyll-cache/
	  - gemfiles/
	  - Gemfile

Jekyll Theme Customization

The default Jekyll theme is installed as a gem and you won’t see the source files in your blog directory. To find the source files run this:

$ bundle info minima

My output was this:

* minima (2.5.1)
Summary: A beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
Path: /home/tom/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1@blog/gems/minima-2.5.1

If you open this path, the README file shows where files are located:

  • The _layouts directory define the markup for your theme.
  • The _includes directory has snippets of code that can be inserted in layouts.
  • The _sass directory define the theme’s styles.
  • The assets directory contains the main.scss.

The main.scss imports sass files from the _sass directory. It gets processed into the theme’s main stylesheet main.css called by _layouts/default.html via _includes/head.html.

To override the default structure and style, create the specific directory at the root of the blog, copy the file to that directory, and then edit the file.

For example:

  • To override the _includes/head.html.
  • Create an _includes directory in the root of your blog.
  • Copy _includes/head.html from minima gem folder to this directory.
  • Edit that file.

Updating the default CSS

  • Go to the gem path.
  • Copy the assets/ folder to your blog root.
  • Edit the /assets/main.scss file.

Using a different Jekyll theme

I tried a Jekyll theme that looked like Medium

Instead of installing Jekyll, do the following:

$ git clone blog
$ cd blog
$ bundle
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

I liked it for a while but it had some weird bugs. I spent many hours trying to fix them but then I gave up and switched back to the default minima Jekyll theme.

See a step by step setup tutorial of Jekyll with Github Pages