Jekyll Related Posts
How to setup Jekyll related posts using tags.
Jekyll and External Links
Open Jekyll external links in a new window.
Jekyll and CloudFlare
How to setup Jekyll with CloudFlare.
Jekyll Text Expand or Collapsible Markdown
Hide or show text in Jekyll with text expand or collapsible markdown.
Jekyll Redirect Link
Create Jekyll redirect links when migrating your website, for links that changed or that were removed.
Jekyll and Reading Time Blog Posts
Add reading time for blog posts in Jekyll without a custom plugin.
Jekyll Custom Plugin Deploy
How to deploy a Jekyll custom plugin.
Jekyll without Plugins
Use Jekyll without plugins instead of using restricted custom plugins since these custom plugins might not work on Github Pages.
Jekyll Theme Customization
Customize your Jekyll theme.
Google Maps API with Python
This is a tutorial to extract data from the Google Maps API using Python.
Jekyll Search Bar
Add a search bar to Jekyll.
Static Website with Jekyll and Github Pages
This is a step by step tutorial to build a Github Pages site with Jekyll. Github Pages are freely hosted on Github and you can use Jekyll, a static website generator to customize your Github Pages site.
Python, Files, and OS Module
Migrating from one static website to another, I had to rename multiple files, extract some content, remove it, and do other operations.
Curly Braces in Markdown with Jekyll
If you use double curly braces in code blocks in markdown with Jekyll. They just won’t show up.
Setup D3 Step by Step
Setup D3 step by step. Creating HTML, CSS, JS files. Running a web server.
D3 Troubleshooting
D3 is a great JavaScript library for data visualization. However, like every technology, it can be annoying when you don’t know why things don’t work as expected.
D3 Tutorial for Data Visualization
This is a detailed D3 tutorial for data visualization. Setup D3, build a barchart, and responsive D3. Updated June 2020.
Python Jupyter Notebook in Linux
Update conda
Increase Boot Size in Linux Fedora
I keep having this issue on a local Linux server. When I want to update the system, after it downloads the updates and it’s ready to install them, it says the boot size is too small.
Troubleshooting Building an Android App
Android Studio 3.5
, I had to load a project that was built in another version.